ANBPR - profile
The activity of the Association is oriented towards objectives that contribute both to the professional training and development of librarians, as well as to the consolidation of its organizational capacity and to the new stages of evolution.
The ANBPR activity is based, in most of the cases, on the voluntary work of its members. The Association members are professional librarians with different specializations in librarianship. Through their adherence to the goals and the mission of the ANBPR, they are represented and supported, at an organizational level, according to the expressed interests and needs of this branch.
As an associative structure on professional criteria, the ANBPR aims to involve all its valuable members into the strengthening and refining of the policy of the Association. The declared purpose of the ANBPR community is to bring together, around the same ideas and common desideratum, all the public librarians of Romania and to promote the important role of the library in the community.
The ANBPR is, also, responsible for the dissemination, among its members, of all the professional and cultural events related to the Association, the librarian profession or the Association partnerships.
Through the frequency, the magnitude and the diversity of its actions, the ANBPR aims to consolidate the awareness of the most important professional association of librarians in Romania. For this, ANBPR initiates, hosts and organizes a series of events, seminars andworkshops on professional topics, participates at several events organized by it or in partnership with other local and foreign associations and is opened to the proposals received from its partners of the civil society.
The ANBPR members find support in the Association in solving particular problems met in their profession. The membership offers a series of advantages, such as the professional expertise and free advice on librarian issues. Also, active members are entitled to participate at events, conferences and debates initiated by the Association, they can be part of professional committees and thematic working groups, can promote ideas and professional interests through ANBPR website and blog, and, they can also contribute to the Association newsletter themselves.
Membership in the Association structure confers more authority in supporting and defending the profession of librarian-related causes. In addition, ANBPR gives its members many opportunities to interact with other professional structures, with public entities and representatives of the authorities.
The ANBPR aims to be an autonomous entity, vigorous and itself-sustainable in order to meet the needs of representation and professional improvement of its members. By increasing the ANBPR associative power, at a national level, the Association aspires to become an important link in the development of modern library services fit for the Romanian public.
According to its Statute, the ANBPR entrusted the decision-making power to the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee and the executive one to Operational Department. The efforts of these management structures are focused especially on achieving the strategic objectives of the organization:
• Improving the communication with its members and their involvement in carrying out the Association activities;
• Background and strengthening training programs and professional development for the librarians;
• Increasing the capacity of ANBPR to become strategic partner of public authorities;
• Identifying sources of funding for the implementation of their development strategy.
The main directions of the ANBPR activity:
• to organize training courses in the librarianship field as an acreditated institution and as partner of authorized institutions;
• to translate and publish books and directories of specialty;
• to organize conferences and symposium for solving the major problems of the librarianship professionals;
• to initiate or, by case, to contribute to the development of legal norms which statuettes the librarianship profession;
• to diversfy the services offered by the public libraries;
• to stimulate librarians to value their human and professional potential;
• to improve the social status of the librarian, in order to obtain higher material and social rights for this profession.
For the future, the ANBPR aims to determine the development and optimization at national level of the library services and librarianship profession, as well as to promote the best practices in librarianship field.