A conference organized to launch the project with a minimum of 35 participants
Design of a face-to-face course on PartnershipBrokering - research / documentation, course structure design, bibliography, study resources identified and developed, identification of consultants with expertise needed for the project, designing additional course materials)
Design of an online Advocacy course on awareness regarding policies and practices in public-private partnership, in order to increase the participation of libraries, the public authorities, NGOs and private entities - research / documentation, course structure design, bibliography, study resources identified and developed, identifying consultants with expertise needed for the project, designing additional course materials)
Organizing face-to-face training in Partnership Brokering - a two-day session with at least 20 participants - development of the course Curriculum, development of the training module attached to the ANBPR’s website, convocation of participants, enrollment forms and feedback forms to be completed, lists with represented organizations’ identification, monitoring & evaluation session and follow-up.
Developing the PartneringStarter application – acquiring the web domain, contracting the software development, implementing and providing online accessibility of resources in partnership development, identifying links to articles and posting articles related to specific project activities
Organizing online training on advocacy for awareness regarding policies and practices in partnerships by involving libraries - a two-day session with at least 20 participants – Developing the course curriculum, convening participants, drawing up the registration forms and the feedback forms to be completed and the lists for identifying represented organizations, monitoring & evaluation session and follow-up.
Drawing up a Practical Guide on the role and importance of partnerships and introducing the concept of Partnership Brokering – A Guide produced and distributed electronically to all organizations participating in the project
Drawing up a Position Paper on the role and importance of partnerships and Partnership Brokering from the perspective of public libraries as community initiatives aggregators
A social media campaign to promote the PartneringStarter application